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2025 NUC (nucleus colony) with 2025 Pointer Bee Farm Queen (open mated production queen) These are queens from our mating yards located in New Jersey. In most cases they are a random mix of all the different lines that we raise. When purchasing (or pre-purchasing) this item you will get a 5 Frame Deep Nucleus Colony with a young, 2025 Pointer Bee Farm Mated Queen installed and laying. Our NUCS come in a 5 Frame deep cardboard box. So there is no need to bring your own equipment when picking up your nuc. Our Nuc configuration consists of 3 to 4 deep frames of bees / brood & 1 to 2 frame of honey / pollen. We estimate for the 2025 season that our 5 Frame Nucs should be ready to pick up the second or thered week of May. Of course this depends on the weather and could vary a few weeks earlier or later... In the event of any unforeseen circumstances that might prevent us from supplying your nuc during the 2025 season, we will offer a full refund of the purchase price through PayPal. Our Nucs are available for local pickup only, we do not ship Nucs. Thanks for your Business!

Disclaimer: Picture shown on this product is for representation only, and is not an exact picture of the product you are purchasing. Any order cancellations will be refunded via the same method that payment was made and only be 1/2 of full sales price. Due to the nature of beekeeping there is no warranty on NUCS after they leave our farm. By completing this purchase you understand that you are agreeing to the terms in this item description.

Pointer Bee Farm 5 Frame NUC with 2025 Pointer Bee Farm Queen

  • Here are some of the traits of our Pointer Bee Farm Honey Bees : Calm and Docile behavior on the comb, excellent sense of orientation, explosive spring buildup, less prone to robbing and spreading diseases in other colonies, adjusts worker population to match the local nectar/pollen availability, hygienic.

    These colonies makeup come from bringing in new stock every year & picking out traits from colonies we have on the farm and only using premium Queens to graft from.

    Our genetics come from our own PBF bees, FatBeeMan, Honey Run Apiaries & New River Honey Bees to name a few.

  • We do not ship NUC's

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